Web Scope
Web Scope Implementation
The web scope contains the actual React component implementation, TypeScript definitions, and styling. This is where we define how our component looks and behaves in the browser.
1. Create Component Implementation
First, create your React component implementation:
import * as React from "react";
import {
Component, // Base Component class from Perspective
ComponentMeta, // Interface for component metadata
ComponentProps, // Props wrapper that includes Perspective-specific properties
PComponent, // Type for Perspective components
PropertyTree, // Utility for reading properties from Perspective's property tree
SizeObject, // Interface defining component size
StyleObject, // Interface for Perspective's style object
} from "@inductiveautomation/perspective-client";
// Component type must match the ID defined in the Java component
// This ensures the frontend and backend components are properly linked
// See dev.kgamble.perspective.examples.common.components.input.Checkbox#COMPONENT_ID
export const COMPONENT_ID = "examples.input.checkbox";
// Define the props interface for type safety
// These properties match the schema defined in example-checkbox.props.json
export interface CheckboxProps {
value?: boolean; // Current checked state of the checkbox
disabled?: boolean; // Whether the checkbox can be interacted with
label?: string; // Text label displayed next to the checkbox
style?: StyleObject; // Perspective style object for custom styling
* Checkbox component for Perspective
* Extends the base Component class with our props interface
* ComponentProps<CheckboxProps> adds Perspective-specific props to our interface
export class Checkbox extends Component<ComponentProps<CheckboxProps>> {
* Handler for checkbox state changes
* @param event - The change event from the checkbox input
handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
// Check to make sure events are enabled, in the designer scope they shouldnt be.
// However in the preview scope and client scope they should be.
if (!this.props.eventsEnabled) {
// Get the new value from the checkbox input
const newValue = event.target.checked;
// Update the component's value in Perspective's prop store
// This ensures the component state stays in sync with Perspective
this.props.store.props.write("value", newValue);
// Fire a custom event that can be handled in Perspective
// This matches the event schema defined in onChange.json
this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onChange", {
value: newValue,
* Render the checkbox component
* Uses a label wrapper for accessibility and UX
render() {
// Destructure props and emit function from Perspective's props
const {
props: { value, disabled, label },
// emit helps manage Perspective's styling system
} = this.props;
return (
// Wrapper label makes entire component clickable
// Apply our base classes and allow for custom classes
classes: ["kg-example-checkbox-wrapper"],
{/* The actual checkbox input */}
{/* Label text next to checkbox */}
<span className="kg-example-checkbox-label">{label}</span>
* Metadata class for the Checkbox component
* This tells Perspective how to use and render our component
export class CheckboxMeta implements ComponentMeta {
* Return the component's unique identifier
* Must match COMPONENT_ID and Java component ID
getComponentType(): string {
* Return the React component class
* This is what Perspective will render
getViewComponent(): PComponent {
return Checkbox;
* Define default size in the designer
* This helps with initial placement and sizing
getDefaultSize(): SizeObject {
return {
width: 150,
height: 24,
* Convert Perspective's property tree into component props
* This is where we read and provide default values for our properties
getPropsReducer(tree: PropertyTree): CheckboxProps {
return {
value: tree.readBoolean("value", false),
disabled: tree.readBoolean("disabled", false),
label: tree.readString("label", ""),
style: tree.readObject("style", {}),
Key points about the implementation:
- Uses controlled component pattern for the checkbox input
- Handles value changes through props store and events
- Provides accessible label wrapping
- Follows Perspective component patterns
2. Add Component Styles
Create styles for your checkbox:
.kg-example-checkbox-wrapper {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
font-family: var(--textFont);
font-size: 14px;
color: var(--neutral-100);
.kg-example-checkbox-wrapper:has(input:disabled) {
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.7;
.kg-example-checkbox {
appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
border: 2px solid var(--neutral-50);
border-radius: 4px;
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
background: var(--surface-light);
transition: all 0.2s ease;
.kg-example-checkbox:disabled {
cursor: not-allowed;
border-color: var(--neutral-30);
background: var(--surface-disabled);
.kg-example-checkbox:checked {
background: var(--primary);
border-color: var(--primary);
.kg-example-checkbox:checked::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: 4px;
top: 1px;
width: 4px;
height: 8px;
border: solid white;
border-width: 0 2px 2px 0;
transform: rotate(45deg);
.kg-example-checkbox-label {
user-select: none;
3. Register Component
Update your index file to include the new component:
import {
} from "@inductiveautomation/perspective-client";
import { Checkbox, CheckboxMeta } from "./components/Checkbox";
// Export components
export { Checkbox };
// Import styles
import "./css/checkbox.css";
// Register components
const components: Array<ComponentMeta> = [
new CheckboxMeta(),
// ... other components ...
components.forEach((c: ComponentMeta) => ComponentRegistry.register(c));
Web Scope Summary
The web scope implementation provides:
- React component implementation
- TypeScript type safety
- Styled presentation
- Event handling
- Props management
Our checkbox component features:
- Clean, modern styling using CSS variables
- Accessible markup structure
- Proper state management
- Type-safe implementation
Testing Your Component
After implementing all scopes:
- Build the module:
./gradlew build deployModl
- Open the Designer
- Create a new view
- Find your checkbox in the component palette
- Test all functionality:
- Value changes
- Event handling
- Style customization
- Disabled state